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Kendall T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Thigh Length with Belt (size 58Kb)
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T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Thigh Length with Belt

Made In:USA
Price:US$ 34.09 Change
Size:Size Chart
UOM:1 pair
Care:WASHING - Water temperature should not exceed 160°F (71°C).

DRYING - Temperature should not exceed 250°F (121°C) over a time period of 15 to 20 minutes.
Availability:In stock! Order now!

Applies graduated compression to promote increased blood flow velocity in the recumbent patient. Reduce DVT incidence by 50%.

100% Latex free.

18 mmHg compression, with gradual compression for comfort. 1 pair. Suitable for men and women.

Recommended especially for very thin or obese patients, where stocking slippage is a prevalent problem.

Place Your Order
Please select an order quantity from the drop-down box of the required sizing:
Thigh Length
Regular Long
< 25"< 10"XS < 28"
Sold out
Not available
10" - 12"S < 28½"

Sold out
12" - 15"M < 28½"


15" - 17½"L < 29"


25" - 32"15" - 17½"XL < 28½"


Sold out= Sold out.
Not available= Not available.

Count on T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Stockings with its clinically proven graduated compression pattern to:
  • Reduce DVT incidence by 50%.
  • Significantly reduce venous distention.
  • Increase blood flow in femoral vein by 38%.
  • Prevent tourniquet effect.
  • Protect patients after discharge.
T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Thigh Length with belt is designed for comfort with the following characteristics:
  • Circumferential knit for proper pressure pattern and to prevent slippage.
  • Seamless construction eliminates harsh ridges which might cause constriction.
  • Pressure break protects critical popliteal area and promotes free leg movement.
  • Waist band and side panels minimise slippage.
  • One-piece, snap-on belt is easily adjustable.
  • Wide range of sizes to allow proper fit.
More about: If proven efficacy in an anti-embolism stocking is important to you, be aware that not all stockings are the same. Only the T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Stocking has been clinically proven* to prevent DVT in over 14,000 patients.


Fitting T.E.D. stockings:

Proper sizing and application must be assured.

More details

Applying T.E.D. stockings:

Stockings are not put on patient's leg like ordinary hosiery. If the stockings are gathered together in the typical "donut" fashion, the effect of the elastic material is multiplied many times and makes application difficult.

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T.E.D. Anti-embolism stockings are designed to speed blood flow with graduated compression but are different from support stockings or compression hose in that they are used for non-ambulatory convalescing persons to prevent blood clots.

Mixed packaging:
New Packaging

Please seek your physician's advice in the use of compression hosiery.

CAUTION: Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

* Result is based on published peer reviewed clinical studies. Clinical summary results may be requested directly from Tyco Healthcare Group LP.

Kendall® is a Registered trademark of Tyco Healthcare Gruop LP.

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See also: Anti-embolism Collection

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See also: Open Toe Kneehigh Collection

albert andre Anti-embolism Knee High KK6 futuro Therapeutic Support Knee Highs Open Toe futuro Therapeutic Support Knee Highs Open Toe/Heel kendall T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Knee Length

See also: Open Toe Stockings Collection

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albert andre Anti-embolism Thigh High Left with Waistband KK6 albert andre Anti-embolism Thigh High Right with Waistband KK6 kendall T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Thigh Length kendall T.E.D. Anti-Embolism Thigh Length Micro5 Therapeutic Stayup Stocking CCL2 Open Toe

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